Latin Texts

Biblia Sacra: Iuxta Vulgatam Versionem

5th corrected edition

R. Weber, and others, editors.

This edition of the Vulgate is a revised and corrected edition of Weber’s Vulgata, prepared by Roger Gryson. It is based on the OT edition of the Benedictines of St. Jerome’s Monastery in Rome, and the NT edition of Wordsworth and White. It includes a critical apparatus and introduction in Latin, German, French, and English. There is a new revised apparatus in the books of Ruth, Isaiah, and Revelation.

2007. 18.5 x 13.2 cm. 2032 p.
GBS 5303    978-3-438-05303-9

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Novum Testamentum Latine

3rd revised edition
Edited by K. and B. Aland in collaboration with the Institute for New Testament Textual Research Münster/Westphalia

The Nova Vulgata is the Latin translation of the Bible used by the Catholic Church in the current editions of the liturgical books. Its origin dates back to the Second Vatican Council. In the New Testament it is based on the modern critical text as printed in the Nestle-Aland edition. In this edition the text of the Nova Vulgata is accompanied by an apparatus providing full access to the Vulgate of Jerome, the Sixto-Clementina, and other Vulgate editions.

2014. 800 p.
GBS 5301    978-3-438-05301-5

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Novum Testamentum Graece et Latine

 See Greek New Testament Texts in Diglot Editions.