Handbooks: French Series

Ancien Testament

Nouveau Testament

La Genèse
Abdias, Michée




La Genèse - Manuel du traducteur

William D. Reyburn, Euan McG. Fry, and René Péter-Contesse.

This French edition of A Handbook on Genesis was prepared by René Péter-Contesse.

2005. 24 x 16.5 cm. 2 vols. 1300 p.
FBS 7093    2853007014

Manuel du traducteur pour le livre du Lévitique

René Péter-Contesse.

1985. 21.5 x 14 cm. 355 p.
CBS 602001001    3438072416

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Manuel du traducteur pour le livre de Ruth

Jan de Waard and Eugene A. Nida.

1990. 24 x 16.5 cm. 155 p.
FBS 7085    2853007928

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Manuel du traducteur pour le livre de Daniel

René Péter-Contesse.

1986. 24 x 16.5 cm. 213 p.
FBS 7087    2853007510

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Manuel du traducteur pour le livre de Jonas

Brynmor F. Price, Eugene A. Nida, and René Péter-Contesse.

1997. 24 x 16.5 cm. 125 p.
FBS 7089    2853007936

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Manuel du traducteur pour les livres d’Abdias et de Michée

David J. Clark, Norm Mundhenk, and René Péter-Contesse.

This French edition of A Handbook on the Books of Obadiah and Micah was prepared by R. Péter-Contesse. It is not simply a translation, but the text was adapted to suit the requirements of the French translations and to reflect the problems consequently posed in both the source and target languages.

1988. 24 x 16.5 cm. 243 p.
FBS 7084    285300788X

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Manuel du traducteur pour l’évangile de Marc

This French edition of A Handbook on the Gospel of Mark was prepared by Mme. C. Weber. It was reviewed by Jean-Claude Margot, who also supplemented the references to the English translations and exegetes by referring to various French versions and to the works of various French commentators. The basic text is the revised trial second version published in 1962.

1980. 24 x 16.5 cm. xviii, 542 p.
CBS 602001006    2853007871

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Manuel du traducteur pour l’évangile de Luc

J. Reiling, J. L. Swellengrebel, and C. Dieterlé.

This French edition of A Handbook on the Gospel of Luke was prepared by C. Dieterlé. A number of sections have been rewritten especially in view of the needs of French-speaking translators, and important bibliographical data for French sources have been incorporated.

1977. 24 x 16.5 cm. 752 p.
CBS 602001007    2853007863

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Evangile de Jean - Manuel du traducteur

Barclay M. Newman, Eugene A. Nida, and Jean-Claude Margot.

This French edition of A Handbook on the Gospel of John was prepared by Jean-Claude Margot.

2004. 24 x 16.5 cm. 736 p.
FBS 7091    2853007952

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L’épître aux Philippiens - Manuel du traducteur

I-Jin Loh, Eugene A. Nida, and Jean-Claude Margot.

This French edition of A Handbook on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians was prepared by Jean-Claude Margot.

2005. 24 x 16.5 cm. 214 p.
FBS 7092    285300709X

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L’épître aux Hébreux - Manuel du traducteur

Paul Ellingworth, Eugene A. Nida, and Jan P. Sterk.

This French edition of A Handbook on the Letter to the Hebrews was prepared by Jan P. Sterk.

2004. 24 x 16.5 cm. 736 p.
FBS 7088    2853007081

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